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<!--BEGIN SPECIFICATIONS--> F-14 Tomcat Specifications Primary Function: Carrier-based multi-role strike fighter Contractor: Grumman Crew: Two (pilot and radar intercept officer) Unit Cost: $38 million Powerplant F-14A: Twin Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-41A turbofan engines (20,900 pounds of thrust w/ afterburner) F-14B/D: Twin General Electric F110-GE-400 turbofan engines (29,080-high/27,948 average pounds each w/ maximum afterburner) Dimensions Length: 61 feet 9 inches (18.6 meters) Wingspan: 64 feet (19 meters) unswept, 38 feet (11.4 meters) swept Height: 16 feet (4.8 meters) Weights Empty: 41,780 lb (18951 kg) -- F-14D Maximum Takeoff: 72,900 pounds (32,805 kg) Performance Speed: 2.34 Mach (1.2 Mach sea level) Ceiling: 56,000+ feet Range: Deck launched intercept F-14A - 915 nautical miles radius with two 280-gallon drop tanks jettisoned when empty Deck launched intercept F-14D - 656 nautical miles radius combat range with two 280-gallon drop tanks F-14D - With two 280-gallon drop tanks retained, 1,591 nautical miles ferry range Armament Up to 13,000 pounds of: Air-to-Air Missiles (up to) 6 AIM-7 Sparrows 4 AIM-9 Sidewinder 6 AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Ground Ordnance MK-82 (500 lbs.) 4 MK-83 (1,000 lbs.) 4 MK-84 (2,000 lbs.) MK-20 cluster bomb 4 GBU-10 LGB GBU-12 MK-82 LGB 4 GBU-16 MK-83 LGB 4 GBU-24 MK-84 LGB one MK-61A1 Vulcan 20mm cannon <!--END SPECIFICATIONS--> <!--BEGIN ACHIEVEMENTS--> F-14 Tomcat Achievements The F-14 Tomcat has the ability to fire the AIM-54 Phoenix -- the longest ranged AAM in the world. <!--END ACHIEVEMENTS--> <!--BEGIN FEATURES--> F-14 Tomcat Features The F-14 has visual and all-weather attack capability to deliver Phoenix and Sparrow missiles as well as the M-61 gun and Sidewinder missiles for close in air-to-air combat. The F-14 also has the LANTIRN targeting system that allows delivery of various laser-guided bombs for precision strikes in air-to-ground combat missions. The F-14, equipped with Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) is the Navy's only manned tactical reconnaissance platform.Source: http://www.chinfo.navy.mil <!--END FEATURES--> <!--BEGIN BACKGROUND--> F-14 Tomcat Background The F-14 entered the fleet in 1973, replacing the F-4 Phantom II. The F-14B, introduced in November 1987, incorporated new General Electric F-110 engines. In 1995, an upgrade program was initiated to incorporate new digital avionics and weapon system improvements to strengthen its multi-mission competitive edge. The F-14D, delivered in 1990, was a major upgrade with F-110 engines, new APG-71 radar system, Airborne Self Protection Jammer (ASPJ), Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) and Infrared Search and Track (IRST). Additionally, all F-14 variants were given precision strike capability using the LANTIRN targeting system, night vision compatibility, new defensive countermeasures systems and a new digital flight control system.Source: http://www.chinfo.navy.mil <!--END BACKGROUND-->
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