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<!--BEGIN SPECIFICATIONS--> MiG 1.42 Specifications Primary Function: Multirole Fighter Contractor: MiG/MAPO Crew: One Unit Cost: $70 million USD Powerplant Two three-dimensional thrust-vectoring Saturn/Lyulka AL-41F turbofans rated at 44,100 lb of thrust in afterburner Dimensions Length: 65.6 ft Wingspan: 53.81 ft Height: 18.37 ft Weights Empty: 36,376.27 lb Max. Takeoff: 76,059.48 lb Performance Speed: 1,522.36 mph Ceiling: 62,155.51 ft Range: 2 485.48 miles Armament One 30-mm cannon, 13,227 lb on 12 internal hardpoints <!--END SPECIFICATIONS--> <!--BEGIN ACHIEVEMENTS--> MiG 1.42 Achievements No known major achievements <!--END ACHIEVEMENTS--> <!--BEGIN FEATURES--> <!-- MiG 1.42 Features --> <!--END FEATURES--> <!--BEGIN BACKGROUND--> <!-- MiG 1.42 Background --> <!--END BACKGROUND-->
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