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<!--BEGIN SPECIFICATIONS--> T-45 Goshawk Specifications Primary Function: Training platform for Navy/Marine Corps pilots Contractor: Boeing [McDonnell Douglas] (prime) Crew: Two, student and instructor Unit Cost: $17.2 million Powerplant Rolls Royce F405-RR-401 turbofan engine with 5,527 pounds (2,512 kg) thrust Dimensions Length: 38 feet 9 inches Wingspan: 30 feet 8 inches Height: 13 feet 1 inch Weights Empty: 9,394 pounds (4,261 kg) Maximum Takeoff: 13,000 pounds (5,897 kg) -- grossweight Performance Speed: 645 miles per hour (1038 km per hour) Ceiling: 42,500 feet Range: 700 nautical miles (805 statute miles, 1288 km) Armament N/A <!--END SPECIFICATIONS--> <!--BEGIN ACHIEVEMENTS--> T-45 Goshawk Achievements The T-45 was based on the British Aerospace Hawk, one of the few instances the US military has ordered a foreign aircraft. <!--END ACHIEVEMENTS--> <!--BEGIN FEATURES--> T-45 Goshawk Features The T-45A aircraft, the Navy version of the British Aerospace Hawk aircraft, is used for intermediate and advanced portions of the Navy/Marine Corps pilot training program for jet carrier aviation and tactical strike missions. The T-45A will replace the T-2 Buckeye trainer and the TA-4 trainer with an integrated training system that includes the T-45A Goshawk aircraft, operations and instrument fighter simulators, academics, and training integration system. There are two versions of T-45 aircraft currently in operational use at this time, the T-45A and T-45C derivatives. The T-45A, which became operational in 1991, contains an analog design cockpit while the new T-45C (began delivery in December 1997) is built around a new digital \"glass cockpit\" design. Source: http://www.chinfo.navy.mil <!--END FEATURES--> <!--BEGIN BACKGROUND--> <!-- T-45 Goshawk Background --> <!--END BACKGROUND-->
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