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<!--BEGIN SPECIFICATIONS--> AV-8B Harrier II Specifications Primary Function: STOVL close-support Contractor: McDonnell Douglas Crew: One Unit Cost: $23,700,000 Powerplant one Rolls-Royce F402-RR-408 Pegasus (23,800 lb) Dimensions Length: 46.3 feet Wingspan: 30.3 feet Height: 11 feet, 7 inches Weights Empty: 14,867 lb Maximum Takeoff: 31,000 lb Performance Speed: 1.0 Mach Ceiling: 50,000+ feet Combat Radius: 103 mi (90 nm / 167 km) Armament One fuselage-mounted 25 mm gun system Standard Air-to-Ground (A/G) load: Six Mk 82, 500 pound bombs Standard Air-to-Air (A/A) load: Four AIM-9L/M Sidewinder missiles Provisions for carrying up to 9,000 pounds of ordnance on seven stations Service Life First Flight: November 9, 1978 (YAV-8B) November 5, 1981 (AV-8B) End of Service: N/A Number Built: [340+ total] <!--END SPECIFICATIONS--> <!--BEGIN ACHIEVEMENTS--> AV-8B Harrier II Achievements Most forward deployed tactical strike aircraft in combat Flew 3,380 sorties for a total of 4,112 combat hours while maintaining a mission capable rate of more than 90% <!--END ACHIEVEMENTS--> <!--BEGIN FEATURES--> AV-8B Harrier II Features The AV-8B was designed with a larger-area carbon-fiber supercritical wing, a completely revised and raised cockpit, and advanced aerodynamic devices which enhanced lift capabilities over the AV-8A. From the 167th airframe on, USMC AV-8Bs were fitted with a FLIR, head-down display, a moving map in color, and an enhanced HUD, all of which made them night-attack capable. The 205th production aircraft, designated the AV-8B Harrier II Plus, is equipped with the Hughes AN/APG-64 radar which gives it the capability to launch AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles and AIM-7 Sparrow AAMs, as well as AGM-84 Harpoon anti-shipping missiles. <!--END FEATURES--> <!--BEGIN BACKGROUND--> AV-8B Harrier II Background The Boeing Company, British Aerospace and Rolls-Royce teamed to produce the AV-8B, as an upgrade to the AV-8A. The first production AV-8B aircraft was delivered in November 1983.Deliveries of night-attack Harrier IIs began in September 1989. The U.S. Marine Corps received its first Harrier II Plus aircraft in July 1993, and its first re-manufactured Harrier II Plus in January 1996.During the 42 days of combat, 86 Harrier IIs flew 3,380 combat sorties, 4,112 combat hours, and delivered more than six million pounds of ordnance. Throughout Desert Storm, Harrier II squadrons achieved an aircraft readiness rate greater than 90 percent. Harriers are on constant deployment with Marine Expeditionary Units throughout the world. <!--END BACKGROUND-->
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